
Friday 6 July 2012

"What! Not Another Food Blog!" I Hear You Say

The GOOD  news, this is NOT (quite) a food blog; I refuse to say it is.  I do not and am not qualified to dish out culinary advice or give food reviews , although from time to time, I may recommend my fav hang outs or suss out newbie hotspots in and around town (locally, perhaps regionally and by a far shot, around the world) so that you peeps can also enjoy and be part of the inner circle of the coolest dining joints.

The BAD news, the key focus will still be food. Hey look, I can't help it if I live to eat and wondering what I'd be having for dinner when I've barely made it through breakfast.  I have negligible culinary sense, but I have a HUGE appetite for anything related to cooking, eating, living.  When life hits a rough spot (read : when food cravings are not satiated) I turn to the web for comfort, trawling food blogs for inspiration and alternatives to curb that darn craving.   I do step into the kitchen once.in.a.loooong.while (clocking up frequency these days), and I try to do so without victimising anyone with my ermm, cooking (mis)adventures .

"How is this radically different from other food & lifestyle blogs?", you ask.  Well, this blog is not planned to revolutionalise the food and/or lifestyle blogging community.  It will be for now, serving it's purpose as a practicing blog to build my street creds for not being a kitchen mishap/misfit and to learn and explore food photography.

If you decide to ditch this post and exit now, thank you for stopping by.  And if you decide to come back later and check out this blog again, you'll be more than welcome, and when you do, leave a note of encouragement or click a 'Like', I'll appreciate it. :)

So, what's for supper?

1 comment:

  1. Haha I wanted to click a "like", but where is it? Well, i quite like your style of writing, and I'm looking forward to your next post with some food porn! :P
